Here's where we see if I can stomach aged cheddar! I sure hope so.
So I tried cauliflower "rice" once before, with some broth and herbs and...ok...yes, I ate it. Did I like it? No, but I ate it cause I had worked hard to make it.
So I'm at Costco and my husband sees pre-riced cauliflower and buys it. I was not going to lose out on fake-o rice because I love love love rice and like cauliflower, despite my barely-edible first cauliflower rice attempt.
So this is one of those I-didn't-measure-a-thing recipes because it was a total experiment I figured would go horribly awry. And it....turned out tasty!
1/2 bag costco riced cauliflower, or one head cauliflower, riced (food processors work well)
1 tbsp ghee, use most to coat a baking dish (I used a 9' round one)
1/2 cup aged white cheddar or regular aged cheddar
spoonful homemade yogurt
salt and pepper, to taste
pinch garlic powder
scant pinch cayenne (optional)
splash chicken broth.
Heat oven to 400f.
oil up the pan using about half the ghee or so, until coated.
In a mixing bowl, combine all other ingredients except broth, reserving a bit of cheese. Mix well so the yogurt mixes in. Sprinkle remaining bit of cheese on top. Add a splash of chicken broth, just enough to coat the baking dish just barely. Too much broth = cauliflower soup, too little=burnt dinner.
Bake, covered first 10 mins, stir gently, bake uncovered for 10-20 more minutes, until cheese is melty and cauliflower just gets a little golden-brown in spots...this adds a nuttiness.
You should look up my recipe for cauliflower rice curry! It's really good!